*Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimised by the past year*
With vaccines slowly but surely being dished out across the country, here at Secret Dublin we’ve been getting pretty excited about all the very normal things we’ll get to do when Ms Rona finally leaves town. Now we’re aware that when restrictions start to ease, Covid-19 won’t miraculously disappear, but the introduction of vaccines across the world gives us hope that at some point during the year, we’ll be able to resume business as usual. In the meantime, here are eleven things we cannot wait to do when the pandemic is over!
1. Go outside without the fear of being fined or infected by a deadly virus
If the past year has taught us anything it’s that you really don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone. Not being able to head outside without a “reasonable excuse” pretty much defined this year, as did social distancing (two words we’ll very happily leave in the past). Venturing outside without a second thought (or a face mask) will definitely be our first port of call post-pandemic.
2. Socialise with people you don’t live with
I love you mum I really do, but there’s only so much quality time I can handle. It’s not you, it’s the pandemic. Hanging out with friends and family without distancing, forming a bubble or taking Covid tests will be a very welcomed breath of fresh air after the year we’ve had.
3. Let’s leave Zoom calls in 2020
No, I don’t want to jump on a Zoom call. No, I don’t want to turn my camera on. If I must, I’ll attend in my pyjamas and only unmute myself to say goodbye – it’s all about compromises. Zoom calls were a means to an end this year, but I think we can all agree that they should be left in the dark days of 2020.
4. Bail on plans to have a cosy night in
“Coronavirus” was a pretty epic excuse to get out of, well, anything this year. No one would ever dispute a pandemic as a reason to avoid a social event. So we’ll have to go back to basics and recycle some of our favourite excuses when we just don’t fancy being a social butterfly. As much as we miss hitting the town, nothing beats a cosy night in.
5. Never hear the words support bubble or social distancing again
These are far to triggering to remain in our vocabulary throughout the rest of 2021. While we’re at it, let’s add quarantine and self-isolation to that list…
6. Spend far too much money on drinks
One of the very few upsides to lockdown and these tiered restrictions is that I haven’t been able to waste money in pubs and bars. Having said that, I cannot wait to complain about the extortionate drinks prices in Dublin while heading to the third bar of the week!
7. Sign up to the gym and never step foot in the premises
Lockdown has interfered with many things, including our rocky relationship with the gym. Every year we sign up, buy new workout clothes, spread the word of our ‘New Year, new me’ moment and avoid the gym like the plague (or coronavirus, more accurately). It’s basically tradition at this point. We’re counting down the days till gyms are back open so we can restart our membership and continue not going.
8. No more Zoom dates
Zoom was such a traumatic part of 2020 that it deserve two mentions. Us singletons really had it rough this year. The only thing worse than no dates, was Zoom dates. Having awkward small talk with a stranger over a video call is definitely something we can also leave behind. We’re looking forward to dinner and drinks, dinner with a view, or any kind of dinner date next year for that matter – it’ll be a vast improvement.
9. Hugs
The comical elbow tap is getting old now, I miss actual hugs. It’s the little things in life, like a cuppa on a chilly day or a hug from a good friend. As soon as this is all over I’ll be dishing out hugs to anyone in sight – it’ll be a free-for-all.
10. Plan a holiday without your flights being cancelled last minute
One could say that having a holiday booked is just as exciting as the trip itself. Counting down the days, planning outfits and making an itinerary is all part of the thrill. Unfortunately, the pandemic sucked all the fun and joy out of travelling with flights cancelled left, right and centre. As soon as coronavirus leaves the premises, you can guarantee that we’ll be making up for lost time by booking a few (dozen) trips.
11. Get vaccinated
Last, but certainly not least, is getting vaccinated. Hopefully we’ll all get the jab sooner than later and we’ll be able to get our lives back on track. 2021, we’re ready for you!