Ireland could be smoke-free by 2025.
The government have published the 2019 Tobacco Free Ireland report which details proposals to make Ireland free of tobacco in the next five years. [Featured Image: Kristaps Solims, Unsplash].
It was approved for publication by Health Minister Stephen Donnelly and National Drugs Strategy Frank Feighan. It hopes to be completed to help protect children and make smoking less normalised.
Minister Donnelly and Minister Feighan welcome the publication of the 2019 Tobacco Free Ireland Annual Report, Ireland’s national tobacco control policy with a target for Ireland to be tobacco free (have a smoking prevalence rate of less than 5%) by 2025:
— Department of Health (@roinnslainte) November 24, 2020
If this was achieved in practice, Ireland would have a smoking prevalence rate of under 5%. A 2021 census will include a question on smoking to determine a current status.
Stephen Donnelly said: “Tobacco Free Ireland sets a target for Ireland to have a smoking prevalence rate of less than 5% by 2025. We are making great progress toward that target, but I ask anyone that is thinking about quitting to act now.
“There is evidence that smokers are at a higher risk of complications with COVID-19 infection and are more likely to have a more severe outcome from the disease compared with non-smokers so there has never been a better time to take that first step to a smoke-free life. The HSE QUIT service is there to help.”
Outlines in the report included:
- Receiving approval from Government to draft a Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill to further advance Tobacco Free Ireland recommendations.
- The inclusion of a question on smoking in the 2021 Census, so that the detailed information gathered can contribute to the evidence base for current and future tobacco control policy
- Continued progress on a number of Smoke Free Campus Initiatives, including the launch of Sports Ireland’s Smoke Free Campus, prohibiting smoking outside of all campus buildings.
- Proactive involvement in ensuring the Public Private Partnership between the International Labour Organisation and tobacco industry were not renewed.
- The increase in price and minimum excise duty on tobacco products in Budget 2020.
- Continued preparation for the World Conference on Tobacco or Health, for which Dublin was selected as host
You can read the entire report here.