And it’ll join us alongside the hottest temperatures of the year!
For months, it felt like a pipe dream when we spoke of pedestrianisation of streets in summer. You can’t blame us, it had been yonks since we’d enjoyed a drink at the pub.
But now, drinks can be served outdoors, and the pedestrianised streets are kicking off. From today (June 11) both Capel Street and Parliament Street won’t see any traffic, and will instead be made over into an outdoor drinking/dining space for restaurants and bars.
It’s part of an initial trial period of six weekends – on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays – and will see traffic shut off on the streets from 6.30am to 11.30pm. A small section of Capel Street will also be pedestrianised on a permanent 24-hour basis from today.
And, to make things even better, this all coincides with predictions for the best weather forecast of the year in Dublin so far. Temperatures could hit 26-degrees on Sunday and we are HERE for it. Get us a beer in that sunshine and all will seem okay.