From wired skirts and wigs to elegant tutus and tight buns, the costumes and hairstyles worn in ballet productions have certainly changed over time. In addition, the performance dance has gone from being a form of entertainment in the Italian Renaissance courts to a world-famous art form categorised by various methods. We call it Ballet in Dublin is celebrating ballet and its journey with a touch of technology thanks to the innovative use of LED lights.
Ballet enthusiasts and newcomers can witness flowing movements and hear iconic compositions on selected dates at the O’Reilly Theatre. Located in the heart of the city, the venue is renowned for its diverse and original programming and this season, it’s no different. The captivating We call it Ballet show has announced more dates in Dublin, so grab your tickets before they’re all snapped up!
What is “We call it Ballet”?
It is a 60-minute production of The Sleeping Beauty incorporating LED lights for a new ballet experience. Every pirouette and expertly executed plié is illuminated by the lights integrated with the ballerinas’ costumes. Between the sound of Tchaikovsky’s pieces composed for the romantic fairy tale, polished choreography, and the dramatic effect of the lights, you’ll feel more immersed in the world of ballet than ever.
Ballet, its storytelling and the show
The Sleeping Beauty is a narrative ballet, meaning it has a story to tell. And We call it Ballet recounts the beloved fairy tale in a condensed but very original way. A narrator intervenes at punctual moments to ensure everyone can follow the plot and the lights adapt to different moods throughout the enthralling performance.
This show is an unmissable treat for the eyes and the ears. It appeals to every kind of audience thanks to the guidance of the narrator and modern lighting effects. Choose one of the dates over the coming months and prepare to fall under Tchaikovsky’s spell.