This only applies to pubs that do not serve food.
Pubs in Dublin are allowed to open once more from September 21, provided they do not serve food. The ruling was decided at a cabinet meeting today (September 8).
Wet pubs will still have to abide by the strict guidelines to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Groups must limited to six people from a maximum of three households, and there will be an 105-minute rule for customers if only a 1.5-metre social distance can be adhered to. If two-metres can be reached, there will be no time-limit for customers.
This is also, however, subject to local restrictions that can be introduced in specific areas. Speaking on Morning Ireland, Dr Mary Favier, President of the Irish College of General Practitioners, said she can’t “see wet pubs opening in Dublin or Limerick anytime soon”. Covid-19 cases are being monitored in each city.
More news on whether wet pubs will be allowed to open in Dublin will follow.