Bring on the sun.
These days, it’s mainly been about counting down the hours, minutes, seconds until those pints can be served outside again. From June 7, that’s the plan in Ireland. [Dawid K Photography, Shutterstock].
And, one thing we might need to fall our way during that period is the weather. We’ve had a few good spells this year but, let’s face it, recently it’s been abysmal.
However, the gods may be working in our favour. In the last two weeks of June, Dublin is predicted to have lovely spells of sunshine, which is certain to make drinking outside all the more sweet. Just picture a sweet pint as the sun beams down on you. Remember to pack your factor-50, mind.
Yes, according to AccuWeather, Dublin will enjoy large periods of sunny weather during mid to late-June, with temperatures touching 20 degrees on most days. Plus, it’s set to continue well into July, so if indoor drinking does eventually open, we may all just choose to stick around in the gardens after all!
All we can say is that, come June 7, it probably won’t matter to many the sky plays ball–they’ll still be chomping at the bit for those pints. But, wouldn’t it be great if the weather just did us a solid here? Just once? Yeah, that’d be very nice indeed.