We’ve all been there!
When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go. But the trouble is, you often can’t find anywhere to do the go-ing when nature calls and you’re out and about. [Featured Image: pee.ie].
If you’re in an unfamiliar place, you might have encountered a problem when you need the toilet but can’t for the life of you find out where a public toilet is. Until now, that is!
A brilliant, pee-lightful new website has been set up to tackle this problem. Over at Pee.ie, you’ll have access to a map of all the public toilets in Ireland. Just zoom in on the area you’re in and the site will come to the rescue.
As we all know, this could be an actual lifesaver one day, so be sure to remember the name– not that it’s a difficult one to recall.
Plus, if you happen upon a public toilet that’s not on their site, you can add it onto Pee.ie yourself! What a vital good deed that could be to someone you’ll probably never meet, eh?
Find the godsend of a map over here.